Policy/Company Holder Name
Room no - 10, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai - 400049.
Is the company registered/incorporated in India?
Is the company operating for more than 2 years?
Has the company been making Net Profit (ie. PAT) for the past 3 years? Annual revenue of company less than INR 500 Crores and does not have any negative networth ?
Is the date of the latest audited Annual Report less than 18 months old?
Is your company or its subsidiaries listed on ANY stock exchange? Are there any Acquisitions or Mergers with any other organization?IF yes details of same
Does the company have any domiciled presence outside India?
Are any of the directors of your company been nominated by your Management to act as the director of any entity which is registered outside India?:
Have your Auditors made any negative comments or raised any concerns in your last audited annual report?
Have your financial results EVER been re-stated?
What is the Gross Consolidated Asset size of the company? (As per latest Balance Sheet, in Crores)
Do you currently have a Directors & Insurance Liability cover in Place?
Have any Claims or Claim-circumstances been reported in the past
What is the limit of liability required for the D&O policy?
10 Crores
Nature of business of the Company